
Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Karl Swindlehurst Melancholy of the German Hussars :: English Literature

Karl Swindlehurst Melancholy of the German HussarsI have currently been studying collar short stories. The first of thethree short storys The Melancholy Hussar of the German Legion is wholenessof seven stories from the Wessex Tales . The genre of this storyis generally based nigh complete and issues and consequences related tolove, and also distresses the complications and coincidences withinthe love story. The story itself has three principal(prenominal) mentions in which alove triangle is formed. Phyllis, Humphrey and Mateus argon the maincharacters in which Phyllis was engaged to Humphrey through an agreedmarriage arranged by two Humphrey and her father. However thatengagement breaks down when Humphrey goes to Bath on a pilgrimage whichlasted longer than both(prenominal) Phyllis and her father had expected. In thistime Phyllis had meet a man named Mateus. Mateus was a corporal inthe German Hussars and both Mateus and Phyllis settle in love. The plotis based around the lo ve of Phyllis and Mateus and also how the proposalof Mateus going AWOL falling to pieces, and the build up to his death.Mateus and Humphrey are completely different to each other in a sense ofcharacter looks, actions, and general attitude towards Phyllis. Wefirst get a description of Humphrey around line 56, Interests withinthe Court - was one Humphrey Gould a bachelor a personage neitheryoung nor old neither good-looking nor positively plain Thedescription is detailed yet vague, it leaves very much to be desired, neither young nor old its very bland, imprecise crowd together Hardy issuggesting he is of middle age. In this short description we orduredevise a brief image of Humphrey.Around line 107 we are introduced with the interesting character ofMateus. Her attention was arrested by a solitary routine walkingalong the path the introduction that James Hardy has elect israther different to Humphrey maybe suggesting in an early stage in thestory that he is more than important . Its aspect was so striking, sohandsome, and his eyes were so blue and sad, abstracted. Thedescription is of more beauty compared to Humphreys suggesting quiteobviously Mateus is the better looking man. The acquaintance ofPhyllis by both men were distinctively different. Humphrey approachedDr. Grove Phyllis father for her hand in marriage, Humphrey having make out from a highly respected family Dr. Grove was overwhelmed, and sawthis as an heavy(p) opportunity for his family. Mateus s meeting withPhyllis differed to Humphreys. He was simply walking old and theyboth noticed each other, on the whole a more romantic meeting.

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