
Tuesday, September 24, 2019

UNICEF Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

UNICEF - Essay Example UNICEF’s main aim is to provide humanitarian and developmental services to deprived children and women in third-world countries. The organization wants to help these children to survive and thrive from the time to their born till their adolescent years. It is also known to provide the most number of vaccines to third world nations. They basically strive to provide hygienic water and sanitation facilities, quality education and basic healthcare services to children. They want to protect boys and girls from exploitation, abuse, and chronic diseases and fight for their human rights. UNICEF is steadfast and dedicated to changing the lives of such deprived children of the world. Their selfless motives work towards their protection, prevention and development with the help of positive and sensible planning and supervision of policy results. UNICEF has established Millennium Developmental Goals (MDGs) to monitor child related issues globally. Their aim is to study the situation of children and women in different parts of the world, by collecting and analyzing data and work to resolve their issues by sensible tactics and methodologies. The collected data work as indicators. Then they are further disseminated and published as databases for authentic use and purposes. UNICEF is given funds, donations and grants by individuals, foundations, enterprises and the State, voluntarily (http://unicefinnovation.org/ ABOUT UNICEF). The organization has to rely on private donations and grants from governments to fulfill their mission. ... vernments contribute the most, to about two-thirds of UNICEF’s resources while the rest is contributed by private individuals through the National Committees. UNICEF aims to provide community-level services and amenities for the long-term developmental goals of children. It is also privileged to be awarded by the Nobel Peace Prize in 1965 and the Concord Prince of Asturias Award in the year 2006. UNICEF is actively operating in 190 countries around the world. They support for children’s rights through their country programmes and National Committees. They have their goals and achievements in each one of these countries. With head-quarters in New York and 200 operating offices in the other countries, their mission is collectively pursued with the help of host governments. There are seven regional offices which is available for any technical help that any of these country offices require. In fact there are only 9 countries and territories of the world where it is not acti vely operating. These include; Singapore, Monaco, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Mauritius, Malta, Cyprus, Brunei Darussalam and Bahamas. UNICEF’s New York headquarters is responsible for the management and administration of resources. Their main supply of resources is done from Copenhagen. These include basic items like vaccines, medicines, nutritional supplements, equipment for emergency shelter, food items, and educational materials. Their board of directors comprises of 36 Executive Members who continue to develop policies, approve strategies and supervise administrative and financial plans. The United Nations Economic and Social Council appoint government representatives to be a part of the UNICEF’s Executive Board. They are usually elected on a three-year term basis. The current Executive Director

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