
Saturday, March 30, 2019

Analysis of Power Density Levels

Analysis of Power Density LevelsCHAPTER FOUR3.5 observational DESIGNFigure 4.1 Setup during mensuratement In this research work, the prize of instrument operation and parameters were established by quality assurance procedures. The pursual measurement parameters were investigated. These were input attenuation, signal detection methods, resolution methods and measurement ascertain methods. The result of the quality assurance procedures are shown at the appendix. The study to measure and analyze causality niggardliness levels was carried out with a total of two hundred sites crosswise the ten regions of gold coast as shown on table 4.1 down the stairs. The filling of the site for measurement was based on proportional try out apply mobile cell site population as well as the 2010 population census data. The measurement taken a location was perpetually closer to a cell site than any other sources. The send off of the measurement procedures was based on the Electronic Comm unication Committee (ECC) (ECC, 2007) protocol. A calibrated USA Anritsu Spectrum Master MS2720T with a attendant number 1338067 and a frequency range of 9 KHz to 43 GHz was machine-accessible to a calibrated hand-held Transformational Security (TS) Log-periodic overture TS-6021 with a serial number 00302 and a range of 750 MHz to 3 GHz by an Anritsu RF business line with a serial number 39317A. A magnetic Global Position System (GPS) connected to the Spectrum Master takes the location align during measurement as shown in encounter 4.1 aboveTable 4.1 The dissemination of 2010 population and sample sites (15 analogue terrestrial stationsRegion of GhanaPopulation(2010 census) get of FM (June, 2015)Number of cell siteNumber of measurement siteSampling DateGreater AccraAshanti eastCentral wolframernVoltaBrong AhafoNorthernUpper EastUpper West4,019,3884,783,8122,638,4942,194,6352,3672472,120,6592,3179292,4905411,035671690,4474543322546275024129404123778328321189594832713238238684 014142010141244September,2014July,2014June,2015July,2015September,2015August,2014November,2014October,2014October, 2014October, 2014.The sampling towns and location were pre-determined as plotted on the map in figure 4.2. These locations were mostly regional capitals and some surrounding towns and villages.Figure 4.2 GPS location demonstrate places where radiofrequency measurements were made indicated by the tower symbols on the mapThe measurement at a spot involve pickings measurement at deuce-ace different heights 1.0, 1.5 and 1.7 m above the ground. This is illustrated by the ECC raster below in the figure 4.3 below.Figure 4.3 Revised ECC recommendation (02)04 proposed rasterMeasurements with the antenna was taken in two perpendicular plane at each height, with the axis of the antenna directed toward the quality cell site. A set up of mutually perpendicular polarization measurements leads to the estimation of the maximum celestial sphere of force arriving from a specific di rection irrespective of its polarization. The measured field strong point in dBV/m from the spectrum data was corrected and converted to elongate value victimization equation 4.1 and to V/m using equation 4.2. Figure 4.4 below shows a typical spectrum master measurement in the vertical plane that was taken at a town named Ahodwo in the Ashanti Region of Ghana.Figure 4.4 A typical spectrum master measurement taken at Ahodwo, a location in the Ashanti Region.Where is the corrected electrical field strength for cable and antenna loses taking polarization into consideration. was the antenna sack correction factor which is the ratio of the incident electric field to the authorized electric field. is the measured electric field intensity without correction for cable and antenna and is the cable correction factor.The spatial average when dealing with the electric field strength for each specific frequency lying indoors the frequency range of interest, the maximum pass judgment spatial average (RMS) across m selected spatial points was given byWhere Emax, i is the maximum expected RMS field strength component at the spatial point i.The have standard uncertainty u of the maximum expected field strength value careful at the point i was estimated by taking into account the partial uncertainties of each components with a sensitivity coefficient is given byHenceU ( 4.4To be able to assess the level of respectfulness with the standard set by the international commission for non-ionizing radiation protection(ICNIRP) and in a multiple frequency environment, the calculate spatial averaged electric field strength from the results of equation (4.3) for each operating frequency was processed into provide density assuming a far field measurement and using the relation belowThe uncertainty for each frequency was propagated to the power density estimated byWhere was the assumed free space impedance (377.). The compliance was calculated by summing the ration of the calculated power density value to that of the reference level as given below.Where represent the various sources being considered, is the calculated power density from equation (4.7) and is the corresponding ICNIRP public reference power density values.

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